2013년 4월 1일 월요일

Korean grammar, 네요 vs 군요, -네 vs 군(구나)

박명수 from MBC 무한도전

Korean grammar 네요 and 군요,
both endings are regarding exclamation over newly known fact.

A : 밖에 비가 오네요? (It's raining outside.)
B : 아 그렇네요! (Ah, yes it is!)

A : 밖에 비가 오네요?
B : 아 그렇군요!

Although above two examples are correct, but there are some differences between -네요 and -군요.

-네요(네) is frequently used in real life, as it is more colloquial than -군요(군/구나).
군요 is mostly used in texts, and if it used during conversation, the listener could feel slightly awkward about hearing it.

2)Newly known "past" fact
   A : 저 어제 아파서 수업에 못 갔어요. (I was absent from class because I was sick.)
   B : 아 그랬군요. (o) (Ah, you were sick.)
   B : 아 그랬네요. (x)
  Regarding newly known "past" fact, only 군요 can be used, and 네요 can't.

3)Different meaning
   A : 이 문제의 답은 1이 아니고 2에요. (The answer of this question is 2, not 1.)
   B : 아 그렇군요. (I got it after your explanation.)
   B : 아 그렇네요. (I see. I think it same as you.)
   군요 and 네요 have slightly different meaning in this case.

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